Interface Point

Metadata about a latitude/longitude point.


  • Point


@context?: JsonLdContext

Term definitions for the data in this resource.

@id?: string

URI of this resource.

@type: "wx:Point"

Type of this resource.

county: string

URI of the county zone.

cwa: string

Three-letter identifier for a NWS office.

fireWeatherZone: string

URI of the fire weather zone.

forecast: string

URI of the textual forecast.

forecastGridData: string

URI of the numerical forecast.

forecastHourly: string

URI of the textual hourly forecast.

forecastOffice: string

URI of the forecast office.

forecastZone: string

URI of the forecast zone.

geometry?: null | string

Geometry represented in Well-Known Text (WKT) format.

gridId: string

Three-letter identifier for a NWS office.

gridX: number

The X coordinate of the grid at this point.

gridY: number

The Y coordinate of the grid at this point.

observationStations: string

URI of the forecast stations.

radarStation: string

ID of the radar station.

timeZone: string

TZ database name of the time zone.


IANA time zones

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