Interface ZoneJsonLd


  • ZoneJsonLd


@context: JsonLdContext
@id: string

URI of this resource.

@type: string

Type of this resource.

cwa: string[]

Three-letter identifiers of NWS offices in the zone.

effectiveDate: string

Effective date of this zone information.


RFC 3339

expirationDate: string

Expiration date of this zone information.


RFC 3339

forecastOffices: string[]

URIs of forecast offices in this zone.

geometry?: null | string

Geometry represented in Well-Known Text (WKT) format.

id: string

UGC identifier for a NWS forecast zone or county. The first two letters will correspond to either a state code or marine area code. The third letter will be Z for public/fire zone or C for county.

name: string

The name of the zone.

observationStations: string[]

URIs of observation stations in this zone.

radarStation?: null | string

ID of the radar station.

state: string

The two letter state abbreviation.

timeZone: string[]

TZ database names of the time zones in this zone.


IANA time zones

type: ZoneType

The type of zone.

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